
Adams County Landfill

The Adams County Landfill is a ~16-acre inactive landfill that is in the final stages of landfill closure in accordance with Colorado’s Solid Waste Regulations. The site, which was also used by Adams County as a police and swat training facility, had a 30-inch culvert running underneath the landfill to Brantner Ditch that was partially collapsed and caused flooding to the neighboring properties during storm events.

Iron Woman improved storm drainage for the neighboring housing association by relocating 98,000 cubic yards of “trash” and creating a channel draining from west to east towards Brantner Ditch. A 48-inch RCP pipe was installed underneath Riverdale Road connecting the newly constructed channel to the ditch. Of the 98,000 yards of ‘trash’ relocated onsite, 86,500 was friable asbestos-containing material, and the production crew on-site were required to be in level C PPE for three and half months. The project also included installation of a state-of-the art eco-friendly water balance cover/cap system via the import of 7,000 cubic yards of general fill and 25,500 cubic yards of subgrade and cover soils; and placement of ~30,600 square yards of a Geosynthetic liner.

Adams County

Adams County